Leave your pain at the altar.
You’ve bled your wounds clean.
Let go
of this dark heavy place.
Don’t give it another minute;
minutes turn into years and years into a lifetime.
It is time.
Open the door.
Float like a feather
into the softness of silence.
There is ease in the stillness.
You can not do this wrong.
Trust the one watching.
She will show you the way.
Like the birds frolicking in your fountain.
You are perfectly made.
Outside is a wondrous garden.
Dig into the dark rich soil.
Feel the earth below your feet.
Bloom for all to see.
Step into the harvest festival
where we will dance under the moon.
We will celebrate the wonders
of the beautifully irreplaceable you.
-Lisa Irwin
Open The Door, Trust And Step Out
Is there something you’ve been wanting to do or try but just haven’t done it for some reason?
Attend a yoga class or take up painting or travel to another country…
It’s that one thing; the thing that pops up in your mind now and then. You think about it and maybe even do some research and then it falls away for awhile…until it pops up again.
Why haven’t you done it? What’s keeping you from opening the door, trusting and stepping out to do it?
My guess would be fear; that’s what it was for me in the past.
My Door
For me, signing up for Martha Beck’s life coach training was one of those times in my life when I had to decide whether or not to open the door, trust and step out.
When I discovered Martha Beck, I felt like I’d found a home; everything she said and wrote resonated with me on a deep level. When I found out she had a life coach training program the thoughts of signing up for the training went from popping into my mind now and then to completely consuming me. I read and listened to everything I could find about the program to help me decide if it was right for me. Everything about it felt so right, but my old friend fear was making it feel impossible to decide until...
What Finally Convinced Me To Trust and Step Out
Martha Beck convinced me - in a dream.
I was standing at the edge of a cliff and when I looked down all I could see was darkness. I had no idea what was below and I’m terrified of heights. Something inside of me was telling me to step into the darkness but I was gripped with fear.
Then I realized that Martha Beck herself was standing next to me. She was looking at me compassionately with her hand gently resting on my lower back. I felt safe, supported and scared all at the same time. I desperately wanted her to tell me what to do; just push me off the cliff if I should go or pull me back if I should stay. But she just stood there patiently supporting me and waited for me to decide.
When I woke up, I knew what I had to do. I was still afraid but I’d decided to trust my own inner wisdom and let it guide me. I signed up for the course and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. Now I get to support and help other women like Martha did for me that night in my dream and I love it.
What’s preventing you from opening the door, trusting and stepping out?
What’s Your “One Thing”?
What’s that thing that pops in your head?
That thing that’s calling you but you haven’t pursued?
What’s that one thing you dream of doing or making?
The one you’re afraid to even let yourself believe that you could make it happen?
Try This
If you knew you couldn’t fail; if you knew people wouldn’t laugh at you or think you were crazy; if you people wouldn’t judge you; if you knew people wouldn’t reject you…
Would you try doing your “one thing”?
Three steps you can take right now to make that “one thing” a reality.
Allow yourself to believe it’s possible. We can’t make anything happen in our lives until we believe we can actually do it. You don’t start baking cookies unless you believe you can actually bake cookies.
Write it down. This simple act can make it start to feel real. Try writing with your non-dominate hand. Writing with your non-dominate hand takes you from your head to your heart so it quiets the fear gremlin a bit. (You can learn more about writing with your non-dominate hand in Finding You Again.)
Tell someone. I know this can be scary because there’s some risk involved because of all the scary messages the fear gremlin has been whispering to you. If you have someone in your life that you can tell anything and never feel judged, tell that person. If you don’t have a person like that, tell a stranger - this could be in a conversation with someone in line at the grocery store. You could tell your therapist, life coach, hair stylist or just say it out loud to yourself. You need to hear yourself say it out loud because the more you hear it, the more you will start to believe it. Hint: The fear gremlin doesn’t like when you say it out loud because you might start to drown him out.I would love to hear about your “one thing”!
Do you know someone else who might be ready to step out and do her “thing”? Please share with her.
Imagine a world where every woman is happy doing her “thing”!
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”