You care deeply for your family.
You’re likely an empath; you often feel what others are feeling without them telling you. You’re a loving kind person who thrives when caring for others. Family and friends often turn to you when they need comfort, support or advise and you spend most of your time busy behind the scenes making sure your loved ones have what they need to be happy and successful. Helping and caring for others brings you joy and you’re very good at it.
You’re headed into a life transition, you’ve just been through one, or living through the pandemic has shifted something inside of you and magnified the deep unhappiness you’ve pushed down for years. You feel lost, afraid and confused about your future.
You can no longer ignore that little voice inside that’s whispering…you deserve more from life; you deserve the freedom and safety to be fully yourself and put your needs first; you deserve to be happy; it’s time to put you and your own needs first.
You’ve tried to find answers in personal development, meditation retreats, self-help books, therapy, meditation or support groups. They provided some guidance and insights but you still can’t seem to find the answers you’re looking for and the help you need.
I’ve been there and I know how it feels to start down the path to finding deeper meaning in your life but still feel stuck. You find little nuggets along the way but it feels like a destination far off in a dense fog and you just can’t seem to get there on your own.
I know what it’s like to know deep down that big change needs to happen if want to live the life you deserve but be afraid to take steps to make those changes on your own.
Guided by my intuition and my own experience, in addition to what I learned in my training with Martha Beck and The Soul’s Calling Academy, I help women learn to listen to, trust and follow their own intuition; the voice deep inside their soul that always knows the way to find and be the women they were always meant to be.
I provide women with the safe compassionate guidance I was looking for when I decided it was time to put my happiness first, find the woman I was meant to be and live the life I deserve; a life where where I’m free to be fully and unapologetically me.
As an intuitive empath, I’m sensitive to the energy in a room and can feel what others are feeling. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I fully understood and named the gift that helps me connect and empathize with people on a deep level. This gift was also an integral part of my constant striving to be good and not “rock the boat”.
When I sensed anger in a room or knew that someone was upset, I did one of two things…. I made myself small to avoid causing more waves in the already stormy water or, I calmed the water by doing whatever it took to make and keep everyone happy.
The problem was that focusing on everyone’s happiness meant putting their needs before my own over and over again. I could’ve told you my husband and children’s favorite things and what made them happy, but I couldn’t have told you my own. I lost myself and I had no idea who I was without my identity as a wife and mother.
I love being a mom and caring for my children but, when they left home and my life slowed down, I longed for more meaning and purpose in my life; I longed for a connection with something bigger than myself; I longed for a connection to that place deep inside of me that I knew could lead me along the path to find all of these things so I could finally be me.
“I’m divorcing you”. The moment my husband spoke those words my facade of a perfect wife and mother living a perfect life shattered. It felt like I broke into a million pieces.
Several years later, I would come to see that those same words that shattered me where also one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Those words were the beginning of my journey home to myself; to finding and being the woman I was always meant to be, before the world and those around me told me who to be.
It was a very painful time in my life but, slowly over time, I began to hear the faint whispers of my own intuition…that place deep inside that always knows whats true and right for me. Although it was still hard to trust and follow those whispers, I was beginning to feel a glimmer of hope and a hint of excitement about a life on my own where I would be free to be me.
Several months later my husband asked to try and reconcile our marriage and I agreed. My fear of the unknown was still louder than the excitement I’d felt about a new future. I still didn’t trust my intuition in regards to my marriage.
It would be 4 more years before I fully trusted what my intuition was telling me about the truth of my marriage and what was right for me, and leave my marriage of 30 years. (Click HERE to read more about my marriage.).
That decision was the hardest and scariest thing I’ve ever done. Fear kept me in a life that was familiar but unhappy for a very long time. Once I learned to trust my intuition, I knew that I didn’t have to wait until the fear was gone before I stepped into the unknown and put my own happiness first.
The unknown can be scary, hard AND wonderful.
I know what if feels like to make yourself small to keep others happy.
I know what if feels to have to earn love by giving your power away to another person.
I know what it feels to be unhappy in your life but too afraid to do anything about it
I know what it feels like when you’re wants and needs aren’t as important as other’s.
I know what it feels like when you can’t answer questions such as…”What’s your favorite restaurant?” or “What are your hobbies?”…because you’ve put everyone’s else’s wants and needs ahead of your own for so long.
I know what it feels like to be told you’re wrong for so long that you start to believe it and lose the ability to see the truth and trust your own intuition.
I know what it feels like when the shame of living this way for so long makes you hide your unhappiness.
You’re likely an empath; you often feel what others are feeling without them telling you. You’re a loving kind person who thrives when caring for others. Family and friends often turn to you when they need comfort, support or advise and you spend most of your time busy behind the scenes making sure your loved ones have what they need to be happy and successful. Helping and caring for others brings you joy and you’re very good at it.
You’re headed into a life transition, you’ve just been through one, or living through the pandemic has shifted something inside of you and magnified the deep unhappiness you’ve pushed down for years. You feel lost, afraid and confused about your future.
You can no longer ignore that little voice inside that’s whispering…you deserve more from life; you deserve the freedom and safety to be fully yourself and put your needs first; you deserve to be happy; it’s time to put you and your own needs first.
You’ve tried to find answers in personal development, meditation retreats, self-help books, therapy, meditation or support groups. They provided some guidance and insights but you still can’t seem to find the answers you’re looking for and the help you need.
I’ve been there and I know how it feels to start down the path to finding deeper meaning in your life but still feel stuck. You find little nuggets along the way but it feels like a destination far off in a dense fog and you just can’t seem to get there on your own.
I know what it’s like to know deep down that big change needs to happen if want to live the life you deserve but be afraid to take steps to make those changes on your own.
Guided by my intuition and my own experience, in addition to what I learned in my training with Martha Beck and The Soul’s Calling Academy, I help women learn to listen to, trust and follow their own intuition; the voice deep inside their soul that always knows the way to find and be the women they were always meant to be.
I provide women with the safe compassionate guidance I was looking for when I decided it was time to put my happiness first, find the woman I was meant to be and live the life I deserve; a life where where I’m free to be fully and unapologetically me.
You’re not alone and you deserve a life where you’re happy and free to be completely and unapologetically you!